Thursday, September 22, 2016

Donald Trump Possibly Increasing US Debt

     As all of us already know Donald Trump is not the most wise guy in all of the United States of America. He has said some things about Mexicans, muslims, African Americans, and other cultural groups that offend us and some statements are not even true and he continues to promise the things we truly don't need. Now his plans as possible future president of the US are to raise our debt by $5.3 TRILLION dollars according to a news article on Time. As if the debt we were already in ($19.5 trillion) wasn’t bad enough.
     He plans to cut Obamacare, Medicaid and non-defense spending to reduce non-interest federal spending. His most recent proposal would cause a four trillion dollar reduction in revenue from cuts to individual and business taxes. Many of americans have benefited from Obamacare and Medicaid because medical costs can elevate very quickly so removing it would affect many people. If he actually wins the election, which i strongly hope not, our national debt would rise 105% of gross domestic product as opposed to if Hillary wins it would rise 86% and she would only raise our debt by $200 billion. Neither sound so perfect but definitely one is worse than the other.