Friday, December 16, 2016

Comment on "Free Child Care"

I will be commenting on "Free Child Care" by Aubrey Reedy

     The government should provide free child care for the single mothers and couples that need it. Obviously, the people who are not struggling financially will most likely be fine. In an article in The Hill called “American parents are trapped: Here’s how to free them” it said that in an average household, their income drops 14 percent when their child is under five. For single mothers, their income drops 36 percent! When you have a newborn, there are so many expenses that must be covered: clothes, food, furniture, and diapers (SO MANY DIAPERS). These expenses are completely necessary there is no way of getting around them. So, a person is making less money AND must buy more things for the child.

     Child care can range anywhere from $300 to $1,500 monthly. Now if you can afford placing your child in a daycare that charges $1500 every month, you most likely don’t need free child care. But for a younger couple, $300 a month is very harsh on their paycheck, especially if they’re on minimum wage. Parenting, in general, is not an easy task. The government should help people out by providing free child care to those in need. Parents shouldn't have to decide between working or taking good care of their child, there should be an option that provides both.

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