Friday, October 21, 2016

Michelle Obama's Speech

     The blog I chose was from the Huffington Post called Michelle Obama’s Speech Was Exactly What We Needed To Hear. The post talked about the speech the First Lady gave in New Hampshire on October 13, 2016, the same date the blog was posted. Sara Ruthnum was trying to reach out to American citizens, more specifically female citizens to make sure they do not vote for Donald Trump. Mainly because he is racist, sexist, and just a person full of hate towards people that don’t think in the same insane matter he does. 
     Ruthnum is confident in that Trump will not win the upcoming elections, but she is worried about the “damage” he has already done. There is so much hate all through out the United States; violence, racism, and sexism. Of course not all of this Trump’s fault but he has definitely made it worse by bragging about sexually assaulting women and calling latinos “bad hombres” and criminals. Throughout Michelle Obama’s speech she only spoke of Trump as Hillary’s opponent or the other candidate, but never actually mentioned his name. Yet her speech has gotten so much attention for speaking about him in the way she did. Clinton has the proper background to be the next President and proves it in multiple ways like speaking as proper as the current First Lady. She is not this immature person who makes a face while someone else is speaking or cuts them off.
     Its little details that prove over and over that Trump is simply not fit for this ginormous spot he is fighting for. I very strongly agree with Ruthnum in that we must vote and we must stay strong and not let this hatred get any stronger than it is. We should help people see the madness that is Donald Trump.

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