Thursday, November 3, 2016

Illegal Immigrants Becoming Citizens

     Illegal immigrants should be able to become US citizens if they have a clean record. Currently, in the US there are about 11 million people (it is impossible to know the exact number) who are here illegally, and the vast majority have no criminal background. People come to the US for a better lifestyle, or to escape from the violence or conflicts, to get out of poverty, to seek medical help, to find better opportunities for themselves or for their children. The US is known for the freedoms we have here; speech, religion, press, and petition. Many countries do not have the same open mind as, not all, some people do here, like same-sex marriage.

     Over half of the illegal immigrants are from Central America or South America; some crossed the border illegally and others stayed with a visa and just never went back. Some come here by themselves and have no family here. They make enough of a sacrifice leaving their home country, risking their lives to get to the US, they have to find a way to get a job sometimes not knowing English. A professor at UCLA, Raul Hinojosa, said in an interview "…undocumented population typically gets about 20% less in wage than if they were legalized." this means that companies make more money. In 2010 thirteen billion dollars went to social security and 10.6 billion dollars went to state and local taxes just from illegal immigrants according to an article on The Week posted on September 26,2016.

     People every single year are deported to their home country separating them from their life they created here, their family and their home. Just last year according to the ICE website there was 235,413 deportations 96,045 of them were non-criminal immigration violators. The US government spends a huge amount of money every year sending people back to their home country and keeping some in prison, when if they only deported criminals their spending would most likely go down and we could use the money on more important issues. If they are helping our economy there is no reason they should be forced to leave, our economy would be in even more trouble if there were no illegal immigrants here. It is obviously impossible to deport all immigrants as Trump wished, but it is still a scary thing to think about especially for children and teens that need their parents now more than ever. For people that come here on their own to be able to support their families in their home country should be able to see them as they wish. Families should not be separated just because the parents wanted to offer their children a better life than theirs.

1 comment:

pablobruno19 said...

I totally agree with you Vanessa; families should not be torn apart by deportation, after all, this would only harm our country economy. An article in the U.S News called “undocumented immigrants pay billions in taxes,” by Soergel Andrews, backed up your point after it affirmed that, “A study from The Institute of Taxation and Policies...found that illegal immigrants contribute with [the counties economy by] nearly 12 billion each year in in incomes, property, sales and taxes.” This means that even with Trumps new plan of deporting only 3 million immigrants, we would still see dramatic changes in our country’s economy.
It would be better if instead of deporting immigrants they where given a permanent residence or citizenship to the United States. You mentioned a comment made by Raul Hinojosa, professor of UCLA stating that “undocumented population typically gets about 20% less wage”(Vanessa). You pointed out the benefits the companies had, but not the reasons why the immigrants get less wage. I think it might because, most immigrants work in jobs where the salary is illegally bellow the minimal wage. They have jobs that, to be honest most americans consider a waste of time,money, and effort. Immigrants have long shifts, yet they have no insurance or benefits. This is better for the companies but not the for people.
However, if the undocumented people were given a residency or a citizenship, they would be treated fairly, they would not fear being deported if they claimed their rights. They would be paid more, and they would have to pay their taxes if they never have. Tearing families apart and building a wall is not the solution for immigration problems, but giving more opportunities to people from other countries with visas and punishing only criminal is. After all, the great America is built upon immigrants.