Friday, November 18, 2016

Comment on "U.S. Presidential Election System"

I will be commenting on "U.S. Presidential Election System" by Marjan Chizari

     I completely agree with Marjan! There are many issues with the way the U.S. votes for president and the electoral college, voter registration card, and the day we vote are a huge part of the problem. The electoral college is such an outdated system and we recently were reminded that it is a system we should just leave in the past and never use it again. A Huffington post called "Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College" it said, "In 48 states, a presidential candidate can win 50.01% of the popular vote in a state, yet receive 100% of the electoral votes from that state." Hearing this is really upsetting and a real eye opener to me and I am not the only one. I never knew this was the way our government worked and no one in my family knew this either. That means that 49% of votes from people who took the time to actually go vote, get thrown in the trash. We need to just do what other countries do - use direct popular vote.
    Many people who wanted to vote this election this year couldn't do to the fact they had to work. This is why I agree with Marjan when she said we should move it to the weekend or better yet make it a holiday. Either way, presidential elections are only once every four years! That holiday would most likely (hopefully) increase the voter turn out. Our government is nowhere near perfect but hopefully, we will survive these next four years with a guy who is racist, sexist and has no real political background.

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