Friday, December 2, 2016

Educational System

Our education system has many issues, and it seems that many people don’t really care about it. Some people think that since Bill Gates or Steve Jobs didn't graduate from college that they’ll be fine without an education. Well, I’ve got some news for you: not all people are lucky like Mr. Gates or Mr. Jobs! Many people graduate from high school without being able to read or complete a math problem, schools just graduate them, which is why the graduation rate is so high(80%). Some, including myself, think that part of the issue is the money. The government does not provide sufficient funds in order for schools to function the way they’re supposed to. Teachers definitely don’t get paid what the salary they deserve. They work overtime and they pay check usually doesn’t change. Many teachers have to get a second job to be able to support their family, other people want to teach but feel the pay isn't good enough. All schools should get an even amount of funding according to how many students they have and how much staff they need. There should also be an increase in attention for gifted and talented students. In one of my other classes, we had a speaker come in, she was the teacher of the year in Texas. Since she began teaching she only taught gifted and talented students and her biggest complaint was that they give so much attention to the students with disabilities (such as down syndrome and ADD) which is not at all a bad thing! But gifted and talented students also need some extra attention and praise. Adam Peter Lanza, the man who killed 20 people at Sandy Hook Elementary, was a gifted and talented student but he did not receive they attention he needed which was part of the reason of why he killed all those people including his own mother. Our educational system needs some help in order to better our future: we must raise awareness.

1 comment:

Kdelangel23 said...

I very much agree with you on the fact that education is extremely beneficial and absolutely important. I don't think many realize how much school and education actually impacts our lives. Also, I see where you are coming from when you mention that the graduation rate is so high. I recall some individuals who rarely showed up to school never put in any forth effort and yet still ended up walking across the stage without an issue. A lot does have to do with the small pay teachers all across receive, not speaking for everyone of them but some just might be more motivated about their job if the pay was a little better. Quite honestly high school did not prepare me at all for college. I do agree on your statement, the government should invest more of their time on education. I also think that everybody should be equally recognized not only the fortunate ones. Education has and will always dominate the world!